Adjustments and Manipulation

chiropractic adjustment

If you’re looking for pain relief, what you may need is a chiropractic adjustment. This hands-on form of care is one of the most effective treatments for both short and long-term pain relief. We’ll get into the details below, but if you’re looking for an expert chiropractor who can perform chiropractic adjustments in Norco, CA, you need to contact Dr. Phil Lozano right away.

An Overview of Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractors have been practicing for over a hundred years. The profession as a whole has helped countless patients across the globe deal with pain and mobility issues. While the field of chiropractic care today is quite diverse and technologically advanced, it all started with chiropractic adjustment, which is also called spinal adjustment or spinal manipulation.

With chiropractic adjustments, the goal is to ensure that your spine is in proper alignment. By doing so, it may be possible to dramatically reduce muscle tension and stress not just in your back but also your neck, shoulder, and even limbs. The spine acts as a foundation for much of the body, so any issues with it can impact pretty much any part of your body.

Straightening out the spine may also help ensure good blood flow and the fast and accurate transmission of signals from the body to the brain (and vice versa). When your spine is in proper tune, you will not only experience less pain, but also improve your mobility and reduce the risk of future injuries. If you need pain relief in Norco, CA, chiropractic adjustments may be the best option, so come see Dr. Lozano.

Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are a Top Form of Pain Relief

Patients suffering from pain may first turn to painkillers and rest. In some cases, that’s enough. Your body will heal, the issues will be resolved, and life will go on. Unfortunately, however, underlying issues often go unresolved. Pain medications typically work by blocking pain signals in the brain but don’t do much to address whatever is triggering the signals.

By ensuring the spine is in proper alignment, you might prevent pain signals from being triggered, making painkillers unneeded.  Want to try chiropractic adjustments in Norco, CA? Dr. Lozano is ready to help and can often provide same-day appointments. Call 951 751 9177 to schedule an appointment.

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